I mean hair treatment for early grey-headedness. I am 22 but with grey hair.How can you treat early grey hair?
The grey hair isn't early. It's right on time. Just accept it.How can you treat early grey hair?
Since your a guy- guys look GREAT in grey/white hair when their young! Look at George clooney! Hes a babe! And Richard gere! I think its very sexy! But anyways heres some thoughts:
Well you could either lighten it to platinum blonde which now wouldnt be hard at all! so that could be fun!
Or you could go with a colour thats not too far off from your shade of grey like a honey blonde or a soft brown. That way its not too hard to upkeep!
Whatever your hair colour is your handsome and you need to feel that in the inside! :) So do what you need to do! Whether changing the colour of your hair or embracing your grey- you gotta acknoweldge its real and that your not going to let this ruin what you think you are!
Well unless you want serious and very expensive treatments, you generally have two simple options which are as follows.....
1. Embrace it, with age comes wisdom (or at least learn to tolerate it)
2. Go to Walmart (or any other store that sales decent hair dyes) and buy a hair dye that has 100% grey coverage, probably a darker color is best also. Make sure it is a level 3 permanent hair dye. Dye your hair about once every couple or few months.
You may want also consider the fact that stress can help cause or speed up the progress of this process of getting older and getting grey hair.
first I will prefer to give them natural dye:hinna.then if the result of colour will orange like then i go to clinical dyes
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