Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Grey hair???

how do i get rid of a few grey hairs that keep coming thru - im only 19??? dying my hair only lasts 2 - 3 weeksGrey hair???
If there are only a few then RELAX. They probably aren't that noticeable (they bother you because you know where they are). I started getting grays at 16 and plucked them out. I don't recommend doing this because I kept plucking them until I had thinned my hairline back (they grew back once I stopped). If you have dark hair, getting highlights will help conceal your small amount of gray hairs. There is also a root touch-up kit by L'oreal that you brush on the outgrown gray roots that works really well.Grey hair???
My friend has the same problem which came through when she was 14 she is 17 now and still has the same problem, the problem starts at the roots and it's because their is not enough melaconytes in the root, same thing with the skin, depending on how much melanin you have in your skin determines how dark your skin will be, it could be that or it is just herditary my friend just dyes, it is a pain, but it works.

Hope this helps.
I had grey hair(s) when I was a teen, and strangely enough found that when I ate well they grew out darker, but when I was dieting a whole lock in front seemed to grow out grey! No kidding! This might be your genetic heritage, or might be nutritional. Aside from eating better, I would often use just a small portion of rinse, not dye on the affected area, and it looked more like highlighting than a whole dye job. As it washed out frequently, every few shampoos, I just kept the stuff in the shower for touch ups with an old tooth brush and an antifogging mirror. Hope this helps!
get highlights, you won't have to get it done more than a few times a year.
don't sweat it. there isn't a lot you can do about it besides dying it. I started getting grey hair at about the same age. it's no big deal
The age you start turning grey is hereditary ,I too stated noticing grey hair at 19. If it isnt very noticable and you like your natural hair color dont worry about it. If you want to cover it up the best solution would be a few streaks close to your natural haircolor.
Use some mascara
...index finger and thumb- grab firmly and PLUCK! have better things to worry about, like picking up gorgeous women.
it really in your hair , just try to go to parlor ang havr color treatment..
Consider putting streaks throughout your hair. You may like 'em.

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