Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Is it rare to get a grey hair from stress?

Is it common?

How do peple sometimes get grey hair from stress? I dont really get it lol.

%26amp; does it go back to your normal hair color?Is it rare to get a grey hair from stress?
It happens and it doesn't go back to normal...When my dad died my mother who had none woke up with a patch on the side of her head...Its still there.Is it rare to get a grey hair from stress?
Not rare at all, This happened to me, My hair was dark brown, over just about 6 months it went to pure white, and no it don't ever go back to it's original color.....I have to use dye now to make it brown again.....It takes a lot of stress to do that, But yes it does happen...
There are many views on gray or white hairs and their causes. One such article is the one below from Mayo Clinic and I quote:

Gray hair is typically a result of natural aging. Pigment in the hair shaft comes from special cells at the root (base) of the hair. These cells are genetically programmed to make a certain amount of pigment (melanin) at specific ages. At some point in the aging process, these cells make less and less pigment until the hair has very little pigment. White hair has no pigment, and gray hair has some but not as much as a red, black or brown hair.

Not all hairs respond in the same way or at the same time. So the graying process usually is gradual. You can't prevent graying. Some people start graying in their 30s, and some not until their 60s. Genetics likely play a strong role in graying.鈥?/a>

You might find the article below quite interesting:

FACTS or FICTION? STRESS CAUSES GRAYING:of Graying: It strongly mention of STRESS playing a role:

Gray hairs generally start to show around the temple and the sides and then proceed to encompass the rest of the head with the possible exception of the nape area. Many people notice that this area retains its darker color for many years. This may be a result of increased nourishment to hair follicles from the blood supply in the arteries in the neck.

The exception to this natural process is premature white hair resulting from illness, STRESS or head injury. Often stress will cause hair to fall out in patches. When it grows back in 鈥?in adults - it is often white. Those hair follicles lose their ability to produce melanin. However, when this happens in children, the hair will usually return in its natural pigmented color.

Your hair gets its color from cells called melanocytes. These cells produce melanin. The same melanin that gives skin its color and helps you tan. The melanin is deposited in the middle layer, or cortex, of the hair shaft.

There are two kinds of melanin. Eumelanin makes your hair black or brown. Pheomelanin makes it red or blond. The higher the concentration of melanin, the darker the hair color. Lower concentrations produce lighter hair shades.

Natural hair color changes over the years. Many young children start out with light colored hair, such as blond or even white, meaning they have a low concentration of melanin. As they age, their hair becomes darker as the melanocytes produce more melanin. In the same way, in older adults, the melanocytes become less and less active. They gradually produce less melanin. This causes the hair to become gray. At this time the hair follicles still contain some melanin. From there, hair becomes progressively more white. At this point the melanocytes are inactive and producing no melanin. Many people seem to skip the gray stage all together and go straight to white.

To my knowledge, there are no nutritional supplements or special diets that will slow down or stop the graying process. However, researchers are always looking for the new age defying treatment or drug that will make gray hair a thing of the past.

Does stress accelerate this demise of the melanocyte population? ';It is not so simple,'; Fisher says, noting that the process of graying is a multivariable equation. Stress hormones may impact the survival and / or activity of melanocytes, but no clear link has been found between stress and gray hair

There is evidence that local expression of stress hormones mediate the signals instructing melanocytes to deliver melanin to keratinocytes,'; notes Jennifer Lin, a dermatologist who conducts molecular biology research at the Dana-Farber / Harvard Cancer Center in Boston. ';Conceivably, if that signal is disrupted, melanin will not deliver pigment to your hair.';

And general practice physicians have observed accelerated graying among patients under stress, says Tyler Cymet, head of family medicine at Sinai Hospital in Baltimore, who conducted a small retrospective study on hair graying among patients at Sinai. ';We've seen that people who are stressed two to three years report that they turn gray sooner,'; he says.

Scientists say that STRESS may play a role in a more gradual graying process.鈥?/a>

I have had premature gray hairs since in my teens. I plucked them. The end result ?. Not a patch of bald spot as many hairdressers warned them but more gray hairs. They never return to their original dark color. I think it was due to genetics.
Its common. You see alot of people in high stress jobs with grey hairs. Eg Lawers, Doctors etc.

I don't think it goes back to the normal colour
Actually, its pretty common to get gray hair from stress. And no, it never goes back to its original color.
Grey Hair

Myth:Worry can turn hair white:

Fact: Nothing turns hair white but the gradual decrease of pigmentation that occurs with age. Shock or stress does not affect hair color. Graying whether it comes with the normal process of aging or prematurely, has a genetic basis. If you are caucasion, you'll begin graying on average at about age thirty-four, the average black person begins at forty-four.

Whenever it happens, hair turns gray or white when pigment ceases to be produced in the hair root, and new hairs that grow in that are gray or white. Overnight graying rarely if ever occurs. In any case, it has never been documented. It is impossible that pigmented hair could simply shed its color without benefit of a bleach. There is, however, a rare type of scalp disorder, known as alopecia areata, which causes hair to shed rapidly. This might leave remaining unpigmented hairs looking all whiter, hence the ';overnight'; myth.

Source: The Wellness Encycolpedia UC of Berkeley


About 5 percent of all visits to primary-care practitioners are by people

suffering from chronic indigestion. Before phoning your physician about

your latest stomach ache, consider the following simple solutions.

1. Wvite it down. Keep a diary in which you list every food and beverage you've consumed throughout the day. This will help point out recurring patterns. If you always get an upset stomach after eating bell peppers or before your mother-in-law visits, you can proceed accordingly.

2. Keep it small. Big family dinners and holiday parties are often followed by indigestion. Smaller, more frequent meals mean fewer trips to the medicine chest for a nightcap of the pink stuff.

3. Trim the fat. minimizing the fat in meals and snacks is always a good idea. Fat slows down the rate at which the stomach empties, so the less fat your insides have to handle, the less time food will be able to stick around long enough to create problems.

4. Chill out. Stress figures prominently in indigestion, though its exact role can be more elusive than dietary factors. In your diary, include information such as dinner partners or how you were feeling dining the meal. Connecting a particular digestive trauma with stress may help you to eliminate it.

5. Cut it down. Reducing your intake of caffeine and alcohol will often relieve stomach pains. Drinks that can provoke indigestion also include orange juice and tomato-based juices.

6. Chew it up. Not chewing thoroughly or eating too quickly can contribute to indigestion. Slow down and masticate!

7. Get the air out. Swallowing air via chewing gum, using a straw or drinking carbonated beverages can exacerbate stomach discomfort.

8. Hide the aspirin. Aspirin, ibuprofen or other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as certain antibiotics can irritate the lining of the stomach and cause injury.

Source: Men鈥檚 Fitness Magazine

Coffee doesn't make you hungry per say. If you're used to having breakfast or a snack with coffee, the association might lead you to eat. Coffee, both regular and decaf can stimulate the flow of stomach acids and may cause heartburn. This feeling of discomfort might also make you want to eat something. However, black coffee is calorie free and so can be part of a specific calorie diet.
No, it does not go back. My ex spouse gave me lots of grey hair in my twenties.
We'll the answer is...Before I fought Balrog..I was Gandalf the Grey...and after I was found by the eagle. I was Gandalf the white the bottom line is don't ever fight a fire breathing monster and you will be fine.
Its common to get hair problems like greying and hair loss from stress, but there are many factors for hair problems, including genetics and ageing as well. Its good that u dont get it, not everyone should get all sorts of problems...and its not funny.. u might be young right now... age brings on lot of interesting stuff happening to our bodies:)

Overnite stress may not bring any such changes, but prolonged stress does affect our hair skin etc.

Was stress ever a healthy thing anyway?

Grey hair never goes back to its normal color.
It certainly isn't rare. Stress ages and can cause premature greying too. It definitely doesn't go back to it's previous color, unless with help from a bottle.

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