Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Is it true that if you pluck a grey hair several will grow in its place?

I dont want to keep colouring my hair to hide the few grey hairs I have near the roots. Sometimes its easier just to pluck them out. Any suggestions or comments?Is it true that if you pluck a grey hair several will grow in its place?
This is an old wives tale!!

Greying is a gradual process that naturally accompanies ageing. It takes about three months to grow a new hair and about an additional three months for that hair to achieve enough length for us to notice it. Therefore, by the time the grey hairs we pull out grow back in, we've aged six months; during that stretch more of our hair has turned grey, including hairs in the immediate neighbourhood of the ones we extracted.Is it true that if you pluck a grey hair several will grow in its place?
No, but you will delay it growing back a bit. Of course, you should be careful. Repeated plucking can eventually damage the follicles and lead to the hair never coming back.

if you pluck a grey hair, it will grow back.

not zero, and not several. just one. just like any other hair.
no that is so not true.
I always heard that is was 7 that would grow back where you have plucked just one! I don't really know but maybe you should just cut the ones that are coming in gray! You said it was just a few, right? Then it should look alright! Hope this helped you answer your question! Good luck!
well i heard that u pluck one piece of hair out 2 more come back in
No- but hair plucking can distort the shape of the follicle, which means that the new hair might grow in curlier or misshapen.
If you pluck out a grey hair then it will grow back.
No that's an old wives tail probably made up because grey hairs appear in the same area. You could get a hair mascara or something i guess.
no. if you're a man and you pluck your grey hairs out, you go bald.
Stop worrying... at 61 I'm going grey, and mine didn't start until the age of fifty, because I refused to care, and even now, I'm still darker than many half my age.

I decided not to give a da*n when I saw my mum begin to panic, as she had the same idea you've posted here, so she plucked and panicked. Yet she was beautiful , seriously beautiful, and had no need to worry. But she dyed her hair. As did both my sisters.

I decided way back, age is not a problem for me, and neither is the grey, and you know what, people (daftly) think I'm years younger than I am, even with arthritis in my hands and spine, because when summers comes and pain is less, I run about a lot, and can still take steps two at a time. And the young can't keep up with me.

It's all a state of mind, think positive, think happy thoughts, and you can cope with anything life throws at you!

I'm told I look younger than many in their forties, and I know it is only because, I wont let myself be sucked into panicking and dyeing my hair, or worrying about colouring roots etc.

I don't wear make up, never have except on rare occasions, and I've had to hold off advances recently from men years younger, because I am not interested in toy boys.

But if there's a nice widower in his sixties in Northampton, I'm a very loyal lady:-)

He must think with his brain before his groin and have an emotive nature, for all living things.


It is false. If that was true then, people who are going bald can just pluck all their grey hairs and then they get a head full of hair!

If you have pre-mature greying of hair then see a Tricologist OR supplement your diet with vitamins, iron, zinc etc., essential things (ofcourse after consulting a doctor) and then see the difference.

Else, practice 'Jalneti' (YOGA) it works for some!
Pluck a grey hair and six grow in its place guaranteed.

Use REMINEX For Gray Hair

Reminex formula helps to stimulate melancocytes to increase the body鈥檚 ability to produce melanin pigment, which overcomes the genetically based tendency to produce less or little melanin. Hair color is determined by a pigment known as melanin that's distributed through the middle of the hair shaft. The range of color, from blond to brown to black, is determined by the number, size, and color of the pigment granules. When hair is produced by the reproduction of the epithelial cells comprising the follicle, newly produced melanin accumulates in the cells and colors the hair itself as it emerges from the follicle. As we get older, the pigment cells in our hair follicles gradually die. When there are fewer pigment cells in a hair follicle, that strand of hair will no longer contain as much melanin and will become a more transparent color - like gray, silver, or white - as it grows. As people continue to get older, fewer pigment cells will be around to produce melanin. Eventually, the hair will look completely gray. Reminex works to reactivate dormant or near dead pigments cell throughout the body to help to restore gray hair back to its original hair color. People around the world have benefited from this breakthrough natural formula. The results may vary since people start to have gray hair at different stages in their lives and no hair strands respond at the same time or in the same way to treatment. Your should notice a difference in usually 4 to 9 months
I use a colour shampoo. It doesn't show the root growth because it washes out. Doesn't last as long a permanent colour, but looks better. I need to do it every month or so.
thats what my Grams said.....well, SHE should know...i guess?
Nope, I started to go feckin bald. Leave the hair alone, you don,t want to look like me now, do you? LOL.
I don't think so!
No.... that's an urban myth!....I have a full head of grey hair.... and my motto is:

';Hey, Grey Matters!';
Absolutely not, that is an old wives tale.
What I heard is if you pluck out a grey hair it never grows back. So it depends on who you talk to.
Its just an old wives' tale. However, if you pluck out a grey hair, occassionally two can grow from the same folicle in its place but generally, no, you won't get any more.
No,or else it is a good cure for baldness.Some people look hot with grey hair...Blame it to melanin.
No, there will not grow several new hairs when you pluck one out. Hair and nails are waiste stoff of our bodies... It will grow one single hair again, and it also would be grey...

only one will grow back, but by plucking it out you cause stress on the folicule. so it will more likely grow sticking up or curly instead of straight. you have been warned. ha HA.

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